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Horsley Parish Council

Village News

Added on 21 June 2020

Horsley W.I. held the raffle  for a basket containing afternoon tea last Sunday. The winning  household in the village was delighted with their prize. Many thanks to W.I. members for this kind gesture.

A playground sign has finally been placed at the entrance to Highcrofts which is the access street to the village play facilities.

After the recent spell of poor weather some rights of way are very muddy particularly in the area around Spital fords. It is hoped that NCC countryside team will be available to clear overgrown vegetation from the path near the the most northerly ford. The path is still accessible with care.

The Hearth trustees are pleased to announce that they have won a grant of £10000 from the government small business fund which will help overcome the financial burden of closure and assist in the reopening of the centre. They would also like to thank members of the public who recommended they receive a further grant of £1000 from the Ecclesiastical movement for good fund. This money will be used to help resume community activities and events for all.

The local police are aware of the speeding problem in the village and have stopped motorists in the main road. There is currently a petition going around the village from families who have concerns. This will be presented to the parish council at their July meeting for action. It is possible to sign the petition at the Heath cafe.

The antiques centre in the village is open to the public following appropriate government advice.

Notices from the gardening club about their summer competitions and scarecrow event have been placed around the village. The Lion and Lamb have been kind enough to allow photographs of entries to be placed in their window.

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