Village News
Added on 24 August 2020
Horsley village church members arranged another outdoor service last week in a private garden near the church.
Some residents are kindly asking car owners not to park so far onto the village pavements to prevent pedestrian and wheelchair access. Some of the pavements in the Main Street are quite narrow as it is.
Two rights of way cut across Gallow Hill to the west of the village. Public hangings were a common sight here in earlier times. Today the views from these paths across the Tyne valley towards the Pennines are spectacular. These rights of way are well worth a visit at this difficult time of social distancing and helps remind us how fortunate we are to live in such a beautiful area.
The Hearth arts centre appointed a new caretaker this month. Many thanks to Louise who has held the post on a temporary basis.
Timber felling operations have ceased for the time being in Horsley Wood. There are still areas of softwood timber to be commercially felled. Many varieties of native broadleafed trees including alder, birch and hazel are sprouting where conifers have been felled. There is a question mark about whether these areas will be left wild. Horsley Wood is a rare example of primary woodland dated several thousand years of age by plants such as oxlip, wood anenome and dog,s mercury.
NCC cleaned out gutters in Horsley last week, although the work was handicapped by the amount of material waiting to be gathered, some of which still remains in situ. The village drains still remain blocked as this is dealt with by a different department.