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Horsley Parish Council

Village News

Added on 17 August 2020

Thank you to the village adopters and litter pickers who regularly help to keep the village tidy.

A large number of potholes have been filled in on Mill Way close to the rear entrance of Horsley water treatment works. Many residents believe the money would have been better spent on resurfacing as new potholes are already beginning to appear.

Horsley wool group has restarted at the Hearth arts centre as well as yoga on a Tuesday evening. Art courses are also proving to be popular having been arranged by resident and guest artists alike. Please check the Hearth and artist websites for details of how to join.

The village scarecrows are coming to an end for this year. They have been very popular with young children and their families.

A sign has been placed on the Lion and Lamb indicating that the lease presents a business opportunity for any interested parties.

Several tortoises escaped from their enclosure in the centre of the village. Leaflets have been distributed around the village asking for help. Happily at the time of writing one had been found.

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