Village News
Added on 17 January 2021
Garden and book clubs in the village are exploring ways in which to engage members during the current restrictions. Each of the Garden Club members have already been treated to a floral plant to bring a little cheer at a difficult time.
The name Horsley derives from the Anglo/Saxon “ley” which means a clearing in the wood. In this case the clearing was for the grazing of horses. There is plenty of archaeological evidence to show that the wood in Horsley has changed its size and form through time. The university of Newcastle have made a detailed study of the wood as well as the township at Welton in the north of the parish. The work is recorded in a book called “ Landscape archaeology in Tynedale by Christopher Tolan Smith. The book makes interesting reading for book club members and others.
The Hearth cafe will be closed every Monday until further notice.
A new fence has been erected along the length of the Whittle burn from Spital to the conservation site at the top of the Whittle gorge. The public right of way has an access gap in the fence. I am uncertain whether the gap will be filled with a gate or the fence crossed by a stile.
Horsley parish council met last Monday by way of the internet. This was the regular bi-monthly meeting of the council.
Work started last week to improve access to the village church. At the same time repairs are being made to the roof and guttering at the rear of the building.
Unfortunately lockdown has not improved the amount of fast food wrappings and empty cans and bottles that contained alcohol being thrown from vehicles at either of the village approaches. Thank you to the volunteer litter pickers who have the unenviable task of picking it up. Please motorists take your waste home or use one of the village bins provided at some expense by the parish council. The countryside and its wildlife can be seriously harmed by throw away glass, metal and plastic.
Oatens bank is badly potholed as you approach Harlow Hill. Recent frosts and ice have made matters worse. Motorists should also be aware that sheep have been loose in the same lane near Horsley Barns. There is a hole in the hedge giving access.