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Horsley Parish Council

Village News

Added on 10 May 2020

Seventy five years ago a street party was held at Horsley Wood Cottages to celebrate VE Day. Home made bunting decorated the street. The tea party consisted of homemade scones sweetened with parsnips, spam and corned beef sandwiches, jelly and homemade cakes using soft fruits from the street allotments. Some current Horsley residents lived at the west end of Newcastle on VE Day where they also had street parties with similar party fare. Today some of our village residents are celebrating in their own homes and decorating windows and gardens with bunting.

Please be aware that all the rights of way leading from the village across open fields have cattle in them with very young calfs. The cows are particularly protective of their young and care needs to be taken when crossing the fields.

NCC have filled in pot holes in the road that approaches the village from the west.

Many thanks to the chemists at Wylam who have been able to deliver prescriptions to vulnerable people during the current crisis.

The dog bins that had been placed on signposts at either end of the village will not be replaced. As an alternative the parish council intends to use multi purpose bins instead. Evidently the previous dog bins along with their contents and one of the fallen posts had been stolen. The parish council and not NCC has to pay for dog bins.

All events and club meetings in Horsley during the month of May have been cancelled. The AGM of Horsley PC which was due to be held on May 18th will not be held in the WI hall. Councillors are using an internet package called Zoom from their own homes. If any member of the parish would like to connect to this meeting please contact Alternatively members of the public can send questions via e mail to the same address.

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