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Horsley Parish Council

Village News

Added on 23 November 2020

Local organisations have kindly given a donation towards a ten foot village Christmas tree which will be placed in front of the village church . It is hoped that children and adults will add a weatherproof decoration to the tree. Some Christmas cheer will be provided by various people including a visit from Santa Claus.

In order to further brighten up the village at Christmas people are invited to make and display a stained glass window for their house using any media. The village church have free craft packs of stained glass stars to deliver with the Glad Tidings newsletter. Resources will also be available in  containers beside the church noticeboard.

The click and collect service for the purchase of cards and artwork developed by  Hearth artist David Holliday is proving to be helpful to people. Please contact David via his website if you need anything. The Hearth cafe is open daily for takeouts.

Sunday lunches  from the Lion and Lamb can be delivered to outlying villages as well as Horsley. Please ring 01661 852952 to make an order.

Traffic is being diverted through Horsley via Oatens Lane to Heddon at present due to the resurfacing of the military road between Albermarle and Two Hoots. The lane from Two Hoots to the A69 roundabout has also been resurfaced. With luck Oatens Lane might be next.

The reason why it took so long to have the village drains cleared was due to the fact that Horsley had not been placed in any highways team and had been completely forgotten. The village is now in the Central Highways team which seems questionable when the western team team is two miles down the road.

Horsley parish council has donated £150 to the air ambulance and £50 to Sport Tynedale.

The parish clerk is going to ask the owner of Horsley wood to display warning notices about shooting at the eastern end of the wood.

 Many thanks to Michael and Mandy Senior who have cleaned all the bus shelters.

Currently there are no meetings taking place for Tynedale parish and council forums.
