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Horsley Parish Council

Village News

Added on 25 April 2021

Many congratulations to Alice and Sarah Bramwell who ran 100 miles last month to raise money and awareness for Alzheimer’s. They were sponsored for a total of £500.

The Hearth is advertising for a new administrator. The post is permanent part time covering three days each week and based at the Hearth arts centre. Details are provided on with the closing date for applications on May 6th. Best wishes and many thanks to Jo Bourne who is retiring from the post. Also many thanks to Becky Senior who is leaving the post of caretaker at the Hearth.

The by way near the ford at Spital has  finally dried out and is now accessible on foot. Many thanks to Verity and David for allowing walkers to use the adjoining field whilst the by way was under water. Overhanging branches have been removed to allow easier access and let in more light.

Police and crime commissioner and district council elections take place on May 6th. Horsley Village Hall will be used as a polling station. There are four candidates to choose from in each election.

Horsley gardening club members will be meeting informally every Saturday at 10.30 am behind the Lion and  Lamb where members have established raised beds for growing vegetables. For the time being the new landlord from the Lion and Lamb has given members permission to use this space. Sadly there is no allotment provision in the village.

At present visitors to the Hearth cafe are asked to enter the building by the rear door as a one way system is in operation. Everyone is kindly asked to wear a face mask and sanitise hands as they pass through the building to the outdoor areas. A trace and track system is also in operation.

Many families in the village are using the Horsley connections link on WhatsApp. This has proven to be a lifeline for many people during the pandemic. It provides local information, exchange of ideas, a friendly chat and much more. There is also a Horsley mum,s group using What’s app supporting families with children.

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